Monday, September 30, 2013

Apple Pie

I had never made an apple pie before, I am not sure how this happened since pies are Jer's favorite desserts, but since we went apple picking I decided to give it a go.  My mom has told me that it is not worth the effort to make a home made crust, so I took her word for it and went with premade refrigerated pie crusts.  They worked great.  I searched the internet and found a recipe on Betty Crocker that I thought looked good, making a couple of tweaks based on what I saw in other recipes.  I used cortland apples because that is what my mom uses.  I saw quite a few suggestions for granny smith, but basically it is supposed to be any type of apple that will hold its shape.  Also I saw quite a few recipes with the number of apples to use (usually 6-8), I appreciated that this one had a measurement, since I picked some really big apples and I only needed 4.

Apple Pie

2 refrigerated pie crusts
6 cups apples - peeled, cored, & thinly sliced
1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
5 shakes nutmeg
dash salt
1/2 stick butter - cold - cut into pea sized chunks
1 T water
1 T sugar

Place one crust in the bottom of the pie plate.  In a large bowl, mix flour, 1/2 cup sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.  Toss with butter and apple slices to coat.  Spoon into pie plate.  Cut steam vents into second crust and cover apples.  Tuck edges in and brush with water.  Sprinkle with sugar and bake at 425° for 40 minutes.  Cool for 1-2 hours before serving.

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