Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Taco Seasoning Mix

Since Henry was diagnosed with food allergies, I looked at my taco seasoning packet and for some reason it contains wheat and milk.  I had used a recipe from but then I tasted my sister's and she had used the Pioneer Woman's recipe, so I made the switch (I also multiplied the larger recipe by two to make more at a time).

Taco Seasoning Mix

1/2 cup chili powder
6 T ground cumin (3/8 cup)
2 T paprika (preferably smoked paprika)
2 T salt
2 T red pepper flakes
1 T black pepper
1 T garlic powder
1 T onion powder
1 T oregano

Whisk together all ingredients.  Use 1-2 T seasoning mixture with 3/4 cup water to season 1 pound of cooked hamburger or chicken.

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