Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Allergy Free Banana Oatmeal Cookie Bites

I have been meaning to make these for Henry for a while now.  I have found and lost the recipe many times.  Today when I looked I didn't find the one I thought I wanted, but it is close enough :)  I altered it quite a bit, but I will still link to it!  Yum, I just paused typing to go try one, and they turned out great!!  I was not going for these to make something super healthy, rather to make something yummy for my son who can't have most cookie ingredients (butter, egg, flour).  I did not flatten them on the cookie sheet and they ended up as balls, so we will call them cookie bites.  The next day they are no longer very crisp on the outside, so they are more like banana bread bites, but still delicious.

Banana Oatmeal Cookie Bites

2 bananas
1 cup oatmeal
1 cup oat flour (process oats until they are the consistency of flour)
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla

Mash bananas with a fork.  Add oatmeal, oat flour, brown sugar, salt, and vanilla and stir until dough forms.  Lightly grease cookie sheet (since there is no fat in the cookie to keep it from sticking) and scoop dough onto sheet.  Bake at 350° for 12 minutes and place on a rack to cool.  Store in an airtight container.  Mine made 21 bites.

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